Amendment made in the QCO for Footwear Industry – Regarding declaration of old stock of footwear and sale of such declared stock

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  3. Amendment made in the QCO for Footwear Industry – Regarding declaration of old stock of footwear and sale of such declared stock

No. CLE-HO/PTLM/BIS/2024-25

2nd September 2024

To: Members of the Council
(Footwear & Footwear Components)

Dear Sirs,

Sub:   Amendment made in the Quality Control Orders (QCOs) for Footwear Industry – Regarding declaration of old stock of footwear and sale of such declared stock – reg.

This is regarding the Quality Control Orders under implementation in the footwear sector, which has come into effect from 01.08.2024.

  • Footwear made from Leather and other materials (Quality Control) Order, 2024. This QCO is for 12 Footwear Products (Ref: DPIIT Govt of India Order dated 15.03.2024)
  • Footwear made from all Rubber and all Polymeric material and its components (Quality control) Order, 2024. This QCO is for 08 Footwear Products and 04 items of Outsoles (Ref: DPIIT Govt of India Order dated 15.03.2024)

In the said orders, it was mentioned that if any manufacturer certified by the BIS or any manufacturer who has applied for the certifications to BIS, declares its old stock of footwear products without BIS mark manufactured prior to 01.08.2024 or imported prior to 01.08.2024, such manufacturer shall be permitted to sell or display or offer to sell such declared stock up to 30.06.2025.

With respect to above point, the footwear industry stakeholders have since taken up the matter with DPIIT, Govt. of India, duly highlighting few issues and concerns regarding declaration of old stock. The DPIIT, Govt. of India has held consultation process with BIS, CLE, CIFI and other industry organizations and the matter was examined.

Accordingly, DPIIT, Govt of India now issued two Orders dated 30.08.2024, amending the relevant provisions, under which the deadline date for sale or display or offer to sell the declared stock in India has been extended from 30.06.2025 to 31.07.2026. The DPIIT, Govt of India Orders dated 30.08.2024 is attached herewith for your perusal and reference.

Members may kindly take note of the above amendment made in the Quality Control Orders for footwear sector.

With warm regards,

Executive Director
Council for Leather Exports


CLE Circular on DPIIT QCO Order 30.08.2024

DPIIT Order QCO, Footwear made of Leather 30.08.2024

DPIIT Order QCO, Footwear made of Rubber 30.08.2024
