Online submission of supporting documents for exports

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August 31, 2018

Members of the Council

Sub : Pilot Implementation of Paperless Processing under SWIFT- Uploading of Supporting Documents (eSANCHIT) in Exports.

Dear Member

Please find enclosed a copy of Customs Circular No. 29/2018 dated 30th August 2018.

  • The aforementioned Customs Circular states that it is proposed to introduce a facility to upload digitally signed supporting documents on a pilot basis at Air Cargo complex, New Delhi and Chennai Customs House.
  • The pilot will cover all types of exports under ICES. After the completion of the pilot, the facility will be extended to all ICES locations.
  • On a voluntary basis, members of the trade may use this facility to upload the supporting documents concerning Shipping Bills that may be filed on or after 01.09.2018. After 15 days of the launch of the facility, a review will be carried out, and thereafter, it will be introduced as a mandatory requirement.

The aforementioned Customs Circular also mentions about the procedure for uploading the supporting documents for the shipping bill.

After filing of the Shipping Bill, the authorized person (e.g. Exporter/Customs Broker) may with his self-assessed copy of the Shipping Bill, approach the designated place for goods registration, document verification and LEO. In case goods are to be examined, the officer examining goods may record the results of inspection/examination online on ICES.

Members may kindly note the above.

With regards

R. Selvam
Executive Director

