Two Day Buyer Seller Meet in Birmingham, UK – September 28 and 29, 2015
No.07/MRU/2015 September 28 and 29, 2015
All Members of the Council
Dear Members,
Sub: Two Day Buyer Seller Meet in Birmingham, UK – September 28 and 29, 2015
As you are kindly aware, the UK is 7th largest importer of leather and leather products in the world. UK’s import of leather and leather products increased from US$ 6823.61 million in 2008 to US$ 7646.86 million in 2012, growing at a CAGR of 2.88%. UK accounts for a share of 4.76% in the global leather import trade of US$ 160.54 billion in 2012.
India – UK Leather Trade: UK is 3rd largest importer of leather and leather products from India. During 2013-14, UK accounted for a share of 11.20% in India’s total leather products export of US$ 5908.82 mn. India’s export of leather & leather products to UK has increased from US$ 413.25 mn in 2008-09 to US$ 661.97 mn in 2013-14, growing at a CAGR of 9.88%.
Hence, in order to increase India’s export of Leather & Leather Products to this potential market, we propose to organise a Two-Day Buyer-Seller Meet in Birmingham, UK during September 28 and 29, 2015 for promoting Indian Leather Products. A Marketing & PR Agency will be engaged to carry out a Direct Marketing/Publicity Campaign and to organize the Event in UK in association with the Consulate General of India, Birmingham.
Since the proposed BSM has been approved under MAI Scheme of Gov of India, the participation fee has been very nominally fixed at Rs.1.00 lakh per company to faciliate participation of large number of member exporters in the BSM.
In this background, we request all Member Exporters to consider participating in this important Event in UK for exploring the possibilities of enhancing India’s export of leather products to UK.
Interested Members may confirm their participation by sending the filled-in Application Form along with the Participation Fee of Rs.1,00,000/- through a Cheque/DD drawn in favour of Council for Leather Exports at the earliest to enable us finalize the list of participants and undertake all the required logistic and marketing arrangements in advance.
With Regards,
R Ramesh Kumar
Executive Director