Ubharte Sitaare Programme

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August 24, 2021

Members of the Council,

Sub : Ubharte Sitaare Programme

Dear Sir,

You are kindly aware that the Hon’ble Union Minister of Finance announced the above programme on August 21, 2021. The details of the programme hosted in the website of India Exim Bank, along with the scheme brochure received from Exim Bank are enclosed herewith.

Exim Bank has also provided the following information on the scheme.

Under “Ubharte Sitaare Programme” (USP) Bank identifies Indian companies that are future champions with good export potential. The identified Indian company should have potential advantages by way of technology, product or process, but are currently underperforming or are not able to tap their latent potential to emerge bigger. The Programme diagnoses the hurdles and remedies, and provides support through a mix of structured support covering equity support, debt and technical assistance. Our target companies would typically include small and mid-sized companies with ability to penetrate global market (annual turnover of up to Rs. 500 crore).

USP will help in bridging the gap and create additional capacities of your existing member companies.

Interested members may contact Exim Bank for further details. The contact details are:

India Exim Bank
Telephone: +91-22-22172600 / +91-11-24607700
e- mail : seed@eximbankindia.in

Thanks & regards,

Executive Director

Brochure | Attachment
