CLE Circular dated 12.05.2022 on IDLS Sub-Scheme under IFLDP 2021-26 – Online Portal operationalized for submission of applications
No. CLE-HO/PTLM/ IFLDP/ 2021-22
12th May 2022
Dear Sirs / Madam,
Sub: Integrated Development of Leather Sector (IDLS) sub-scheme under Indian Footwear & Leather Development Programme (IFLDP) 2021-26 – Online Portal operationalized for submission of applications under IDLS Sub-Scheme – reg.
This is in continuation to CLE Circular of even number dated 07.03.2022, regarding approval of Indian Footwear and Leather Development Programme (IFLDP) for 5 years period 2021-26 with an outlay of Rs.1700 Crores. The IFLDP consisted of six sub-schemes namely (1) Sustainable Technology and Environmental Promotion (STEP) (2) Integrated Development of Leather Sector (IDLS) (3) Mega Leather, Footwear and Accessories Cluster Development (MLFACD) (4) Brand Promotion of Indian Brands in Leather & Footwear Sector (5) Development of Design Studios (6) Establishment of Institutional Facilities. The scheme guidelines of each of these sub-schemes were disseminated vide CLE Circular dated 07.03.2022. It was mentioned therein that the DPIIT, Govt of India proposes to develop a digital portal for the IFLDP, and all the sub-schemes would be operated via the digital portal. Applications for grant under all the sub-schemes shall have to be submitted through online portal.
In this background, DPIIT, Government of India has now informed the CLE that at present, DPIIT has enabled the online portal to receive the applications under the Integrated Development of Leather Sector (IDLS) sub-scheme in the National Single Window System (NSWS). The pathway to reach the portal is as under:
To apply, visit the National Single Window System (NSWS) Click -> ‘All Schemes’ > Select ‘Indian Footwear and Leather Development Programme’ -> Select the applicable sub-scheme
Members may visit the National Single Window System and enter IFLDP and submit their application(s) seeking investment grant under IDLS Sub-Scheme as per the guidelines.
In order to enable the industry members to have consultations and seek guidance of the CLE on IDLS Sub-Scheme and other sub-schemes of IFLDP, the CLE would be organizing ‘Open House Meeting for IFLDP’, every Wednesday 11.30am via virtual mode. The CLE would be sending the Meeting Link by a circular to all members one-day prior by E-mail. Members are requested to make it convenient to participate in the Open House Meetings and avail guidance from the CLE.
With warm regards,
Executive Director