Clubbing of Advance Authorizations of Annual Requirement.
Sept. 2 2016
Members of the Council,
Dear Sirs,
Sub: Amendment in Para 4.38 (v) of Hand Book of Procedures 2015-20 for allowing Clubbing of Advance Authorizations of Annual Requirement.
As members are kindly aware, Facility of clubbing of Advance Authorisations shall be available only for redemption / regularisation of such authorisations and no further import or export shall be allowed.
The DGFT has issued a Public notice No.24/2015-2020 dated 04th August 2016 ameding Para 4.38 (v) of Hand Book of Procedures 2015-2020. The amended para is as follows
Facility of clubbing shall also be available for Advance Authorisations for Annual Requirement issued during Foreign Trade Policy period 2009-14 and 2015-20, wherever exports and imports have taken place as per Standard Input Output Norms (SION) available in Handbook of Procedures.
Members may kindly note the above.
Thanks & regards,
R.Ramesh Kumar
Executive Director