Implementation of Automated Clearance for Bills of Entry on Pilot Basis
February 7, 2020
Members of the Council
Sub : Implementation of Automated Clearance for Bills of Entry on Pilot Basis
Customs Circular No.05/2020 dated 27.01.2020
Dear Sir,
The Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs has issued a Customs Circular No.05/2020 dated 27.01.2020 stating the following.
Board had issued Circular No 09/2019 – Customs dated 28.02.2019. Para 3 of the said circular provides that in terms of the 1st proviso to Section 47(1), the Customs Automated System would electronically give clearance to Bill(s) of Entry, on completion of Customs Compliance Verification (CCV) and payment of duty by the importer. The important features of the automated clearance are as follows-
I. The facility will only be for ICES locations where RMS is enabled and fully functional.
II. All the Customs Compliance Verification(CCV)requirements under the Customs Act, rules, instructions etc will be done by the designated proper officer of Customs.
III. The CCV would operate even while duty has not been paid or payment is under process.
IV. After completion of CCV, the proper officer of customs, on satisfaction that the goods are ready for clearance, will confirm the completion of the CCV for the particular Bill of Entry in the Customs System.
V. On confirmation of payment of applicable duty, the Customs System will then electronically give clearance to the Bill of Entry.
– Board has now decided to implement the facility of automated clearance as envisaged in 1st proviso to Section 47(1) in ICES. However, the facility will be initially rolled out on a pilot basis at two customs locations-Chennai Customs House and Jawaharlal Nehru Customs House from 06.02.2020. Thereafter, the facility will be reviewed and further expanded on PAN India basis at all Customs EDI locations where RMS is enabled and functional.
– The detailed requirements and changes in ICES shall be communicated to field formations by way of ICES-Advisory from DG Systems.
Members may kindly note the above.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Executive Director