Online platform for filing and issuance of Preferential Certificate of Origin (CoO)

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Oct. 1, 2019

Members of the Council

Online platform for filing and issuance of Preferential Certificate of Origin (CoO)

Dear Member

The DGFT has issued a Trade Notice no. 34 dated 19th September 2019 (copy enclosed)  on the above subject.

The aforementioned Trade Notice states the following

·        A new online platform for issuance of Preferential Certificate of Origin (CoO) has been developed which would be single point access for all Free Trade Agreements / Preferential Trade Agreements (FTAs/PTAs), for all CoO issuing agencies and for all export products.

·        URL to access the platform is

·        Exporters who want Certificate of Origin have to register in the aforementioned platform using their digital signature. The digital signature (Class II or Class III with the firm’s IEC embedded) would be the same as used in other DGFT online applications. On registration, a password would be sent to the e-mail linked to the IEC. If the email is to be updated, the same may be done using online IEC application module in the DGFT website.

·        Issue of COO for India – Chile PTA will be started from 25th September 2019. Online issuance of CoO for other countries will start as soon as their acceptance is received.

Members may please note the above and contact the following channels for any further assistance

–          Call the Helpline at the Toll Free Number 1800 111 550
–          Drop an e-email to
–          Raise a complaint/suggestion ticket through the Contact@DGFT Service available in the DGFT website

Thanks and regards

R. Selvam
Executive Director

