RBI Master Circular on Lending to MSME – Aug. 2016

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Sept. 2, 2016

Members of the Council,
Sub : Reserve Bank of India Master Circular on Lending to MSME

Dear Sir,
The Reserve Bank of India has recently issued a master circular (No. 37 dated July 21, 2016) on Lending to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector. The high-lights of the circular are as follows.

Banks are mandated not to accept collateral security in the case of loans up to Rs.10 lakh extended to units in the MSE sector. Banks are also advised to extend collateral-free loans up to Rs. 10 lakh to all units financed under the Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) administered by KVIC.

Banks may, on the basis of good track record and financial position of the MSE units, increase the limit to dispense with the collateral requirement for loans up to Rs.25 lakh (with the approval of the appropriate authority).

Banks are advised to strongly encourage their branch level functionaries to avail of the Credit Guarantee Scheme cover, including making performance in this regard a criterion in the evaluation of their field staff.

Composite loan
A composite loan limit of Rs.1 crore can be sanctioned by banks to enable the MSE entrepreneurs to avail of their working capital and term loan requirement through Single Window.

Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLSS)

Government of India, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises had launched Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) for Technology Upgradation of Micro and Small Enterprises subject to the following terms and conditions:

(i) Ceiling on the loan under the scheme is Rs.1 crore.

(ii) The rate of subsidy is 15% for all units of micro and small enterprises up to loan ceiling at Sr. No. (i) above.

(iii) Calculation of admissible subsidy will be done with reference to the purchase price of plant and machinery instead of term loan disbursed to the beneficiary unit.

(iv) SIDBI and NABARD will continue to be implementing agencies of the scheme.

This circular also mentions about Streamlining flow of credit to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) for facilitating timely and adequate credit flow during their ‘Life Cycle’ , Debt Restructuring Mechanism for MSME, Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of MSMEs etc.,

Members may kindly note the above.

Thanks & regards,
R.Ramesh Kumar
Executive Director

