Seven New SVHCs added under REACH
December 26, 2013.
Members of the Council,
Sub : Testing of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) testing under REACH
Dear Member,
Kindly refer to our earlier circulars informing about the testing of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) testing under REACH regulation of European Union. We wish to inform you the following updated concerning REACH:
On Dec. 16, 2013, seven new SVHCs have been added under the candidate list of REACH. With this addition there are 151 SVHC in the REACH. The list of the 151 SVHC is enclosed herewith for your reference. The press release of European Union Chemical Agency on the inclusion of seven new SVHC is also enclosed herewith for your ready reference.
Members may kindly note the above.
Thanks & regards,
R.Ramesh Kumar, IAS
Executive Director.