Circular -CLE Service Desk – Online Platform through SKYPE

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  3. Circular -CLE Service Desk – Online Platform through SKYPE


No. CLE-HO/IFLADP/IDLS/2017-2020
28thJune, 2018

To: All Members of the Council

Dear Sirs,

Sub: CLE Service Desk – Online Platform through SKYPE

We would like to inform that the applications for seeking funding support under IDLS scheme have to be filed online in the Centralized Project Monitoring System (CPMS)  Online Portal, which has been hosted in website of FDDI & link for the same has also been given in CLE website. Please refer to the CLE circular dated 09.05.2018, which was sent to all the members of the Council.The CLE being the facilitation agency for the IDLS scheme is organizing Open House Meeting exclusively for the IDLS scheme every Wednesday between 10.30am and 1.00pm in all the offices of the CLE at Chennai, Kanpur, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Agra & Jalandhar to provide guidance to the members

Apart from Integrated Development of Leather Sector (IDLS) Scheme, there are several sub-schemes of IFLADP namely (1) Human Resource Development (2) Mega Leather, Footwear and Accessories Cluster(3) Leather Technology, Innovation and Environmental Issues for upgradation of CETPs in tannery sector (4) Establishment of Institutional Facilities (5) Promotion of Indian Brands (6) Additional Employment Incentive.

It is now proposed that CLE would set up an online platform through Skype, to enable the industry members to discuss with officials of CLE (on prior appointment basis) and seek guidance and clarifications in submission of their online applications. The following are the details of Skype for CLE Head Office and CLE Regional Offices.


Discussion content Prior Appointment to be sought by sending E mail
CLEHead Office IFLADP This is for all sub-schemes of IFLADP, including IDLS Scheme at a macro level. This would be for interaction with Assistant Director in charge of IFLADP in CLE.
CLEHead Office  IDLS This is exclusively for guidance on application preparation and submission under IDLS Scheme in the CPMS Online Portal. This will be for discussion with EPO official,who will interact under the guidance of Assistant Director in charge of IFLADP in CLE
CLE Southern Region This is for interaction with Regional Director (South) in all matters concerning South Region
CLE Northern Region This is for interaction with Regional Director (North) in all matters including IDLS Scheme concerning Northern Region
CLE Eastern Region This is for interaction with Regional Director (East) in all matters including IDLS Scheme concerning Eastern Region
CLE Central Region This is for interaction with Regional Director (Central) in all matters including IDLS Scheme concerning Central Region
CLE Western Region This is for interaction with Regional Director (West) in all matters including IDLS Scheme concerning Western Region
CLE Agra This is for interaction with Assistant Director (Agra) in all matters including IDLS Scheme concerning Agra


The modalities for operation of SKYPE online platform for CLE, would be as under:

1.The interested members may seek appointment for SKYPE discussion by sending Email to particular CLE office with which members want to have discussion. In the said email, the members should mention their mobile number.

2.  Upon receipt of email request, the appointment for discussion via SKYPE would be given from 11.00am to 5.00pm in working days, based on the availability of official(s), exigency of office works etc. Appointments would be given on First in First Out (FIFO) basis. The CLE would convey the date and time for the interaction by SMS to mobile phone of the member (or) by e mail. Accordingly, the interaction would take place at the given date and time.

Members are hereby requested to kindly make use of the above online interaction facility with CLE.

With warm regards,
Yours sincerely,

R. Selvam IAS
Executive Director

(Sponsored by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India)

Head Office: Chennai

Tel: +91 44 2859 4367-71 (5 Lines)

